The Stedman family can now sleep soundly in their beds at night, knowing Gaz Thomas is watching over us all. Good luck Gaz, hope it all works out for you! Stedders * * * * * Msg for Gary- Good luck Gazza from Nick and Ben. You may think you're a don but hopefully the Army will sort you out!! Good luck and hope to see ya again sometime! Nick Stamp and Ben Madden * * * * * Dear Major General Thomas It was a great honour to serve with you in the field of battle for Hey jude. Good luck to you in your new career Gary. Take care Field Marshall Minky Bee * * * * * Have Fun mate!!!!!! Won't be the same without you!! Sam Fenton-Elstone * * * * * Good luck Gaz mate Going to Hey Jude matches and Bees away games won't be the same without ya! It means I'll have to find someone else to celebrate with when we score 94th-minute equalisers away to scum like Cambridge!! Look after yourself mate and come back to GP when you can make it. Rik Scales * * * * * Poor form that Gary is leaving. Good luck to the lad and hope we will see him again soon. Muk Yahya * * * * * Good Luck Gary! The defence of the country rests on your shoulders now - I trust Hey Jude management has prepared you for this responsibility?! A-tteeennnnn-SHUN! Shaggy * * * * * All the best and remember to follow the bees. Steven Smith * * * * * Garwy All the best in the Army sir, keep the enemies at bay and then come back to Hey Jude and keep attackers at bay! Remember one thing "One Bee in Bosnia, there's only one Bee in Bosnia!" Jonno Fitzmaurice * * * * * Gaz Good luck mate, hope to see you soon, but how will we ever replace your Gob in our defence ;-)??!! Best Wishes Lew |